Connecting to eBay

Connecting to eBay

Connect your Shopit admin to an eBay shop, to populate your product range centrally.

  1. Begin by creating your eBay shop here: Sign up for Selling Manager Pro which allows the listings to be pulled in automatically.
You will be asked to complete a number of steps including various seller policies, and submitting your ID - please complete all of these steps.
  1. Create a new Stock Location in Shopit, designated for ebay. Complete all address details correctly for the eBay feed to work.
    1. We recommend that you add stock levels for each product you are going to sell on eBay, so that eBay has a stock level available.
  2. Create a new sales channel in Shopit, by selecting Add Channel, then choosing eBay as the 'type'.
  3. Complete all of the necessary business settings fields (account email, your eBay stock location etc) and click Enable.
  4. Under eBay settings, choose which region of eBay you wish to sell to (UK, Australia, Austria etc)
  5. Click Connect, and login to your eBay seller account

  1. In your products screen you will see a tab for the ebay sales channel, and whether your chosen product is active or not. You can change the product description and price here so it is unique for ebay (if you want to try a different pricing strategy).

  1. You can import all of the latest ebay categories into Shopit so that you can categorise your items correctly, as well as adding secondary categories to list to.

  1. When all of the information required by ebay has been completed (price, weight, SKU etc) then your listing will be automatically created or updated.
The minimum requirements for the product feed to work are the completion of these fields for every product:
  1. Title (1-80 characters - you can use the alternate title field on the product page)
  2. Description
  3. Category
  4. Brand
  5. Weight
  6. SKU
  7. Price

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